Monthly Archives: November 2014

Day 28: Victory

About this time yesterday I crossed the finish line on NaNoWriMo. There were times when I really wasn’t sure I’d make it, but I did. I validated the draft at a little over 50,000 words. I have maybe another 4-5 thousand to write to finish the first draft. Then, I will move back to finishing edits on The Soul Thief before I publish it in late December. I’m very proud of the draft I’ve created during November — like my other stories, it’s lesbian fiction — well sort of. I don’t want to give away any important plot twists. Suffice to …Read more »

Day 22, aka The Wall

Yep, it happened. I hit the wall. I got up this morning and looked at my word count — 35,000 and some change — and I thought, I can’t do this. I thought, Why bother with this? What does it really matter if Beth Lyons writes 50,000 words in the month of November? Who cares? Quite honestly, who would care? Besides me being disappointed in myself, of course. But I sat down, opened the laptop and sloughed through a 2-hour session this morning while Debbie was still asleep, and I got a thousand more words written on Thornwood. There were …Read more »

Seventeen and Counting

Day 17 is not quite over, and I have 29,234 words. That’s a touch over 1,700 words a day. With 14 days to go, if I keep up this pace I’ll have my 50k on the 28th, maybe? It’s been a good journey so far — really good, actually. My wife is very supportive and except that the sound of my typing making her sleepy, it’s not created any hardship. One thing that I think has helped is that this story — Thornwood Confidential — is grounded in D20 mechanics. The SRD is an amazing resource. And every spell that …Read more »

So Ends Day 9 of NaNoWriMo

Here it is, the end of day 9 of NaNoWriMo. I’m at 17,564 words. I’m a bit ahead of the game, which is good because I took the day off. The whole day. That’s the first time in weeks that I haven’t written something for the day. And I guess technically that’s not quite true. I actually edited a piece — part 2 of my space opera, The Earth Hypothesis. Edited and published it. Well, it’s still in review right now, but soon enough, it will be up and live. It’s up and available! Get it while the e-ink is …Read more »

NaNoWriMo: Day 2

As the sun sets on day two of NaNoWriMo I feel pretty good about my progress. Thanks to two days of focused writing I’m a touch over 8,000 words. I knew what I wanted to write for this, my first attempt at writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. It’s a hard boiled fantasy — sort of a Lord of the Rings meets the Maltese Falcon. Debbie suggested it, in an offhanded sort of way and as usual, I was off and running with the idea. I created a few character sketches ahead of time, mapped out the opening scene, …Read more »

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NaNoWriMo 2014

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